The eclipse is coming!
The eclipse is coming!
The eclipse is coming!
On January 31, the Sun, Earth and Moon will align so the Moon passes through the shadow of Earth. As if that was’t special enough, it’s also a supermoon and a blue moon. What a day!
Sadly, that doesn’t all apply to us here in Lowell.
Yes, it will be a supermoon - meaning the Moon will appear a tiny bit larger than usual because it’s a tiny bit closer to Earth than usual.
Yes, it will also be a blue moon - meaning it is the second full moon in a calendar month. The first was January 2nd.
We will miss out on almost all of the lunar eclipse. The moon will be setting as the eclipse is starting so we won’t get to see much.
Wait until January 20th next year to get the full lunar eclipse experience. It can be pretty cool.
During last lunar eclipse a few years ago, the Moon became dark, dark red as it passed through the umbra.
It was great, but doesn’t compare with a solar eclipse - where the Moon is between the Sun and Earth. But, in Lowell you’ll have to wait quite a while to see one of those. The next one isn’t until May 1, 2079.
You’ll have to observe that one for me, I’m unlikely to live to be 117 years old.