Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Secret Of The Morse Code

My room is one of the most over-used spaces in a building full of over-used spaces. Someone is teaching in my room during every block most days. My room is used for enrichment after school and meetings before school. It is one of the designated indoor recess rooms and, I offer extra help in math and science during most other lunch/recess times.

Let’s just say there is a lot of traffic in and out of my room.

I would like to have some personal memento on my desk. Unfortunately, I do not feel comfortable having something very personal like a picture of my wife or family in my classroom. I do not want to spend precious class time answering endless questions about my family.

My solution is Morse Code.

Some students have spotted it. Some have tried to decipher it. A few, I have taken into my trust and shared the secret of the Morse Code.

I can’t take credit for the idea - it was Thomas Yawkey, former owner of the Boston Red Sox, who inspired me. Just as he did on the big scoreboard on the left field wall, I have secretly placed the initials of my wife and myself on the wall of my room.

It’s a way of reminding me of who is most central in my life. It is my way of honoring and thanking my wife for all her support. It is my “family picture” in Morse Code form.

And, eighth grade, now that you know the “secret” keep it one. Don’t ruin it for next year’s crop of eighth graders. Let me have my fun with them...

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ahhhh, High School

Ahhhh, high school.

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Ahhhh, high school.

It truly will be the best of times - the time you make friendships that will literally last a lifetime. It will be the time you make poor decisions that result in great stories that you will retell for years and years. And, you will learn…great stories are one thing, but you will learn to make the best decisions you can. Some will turn out great and others…not so great. And you will learn from all of them.

It will be the worst of times - the times you make the biggest decisions, when you are the least prepared to make them. You will feel pressure. You will be told that the decisions you make are for your entire life. If you fail an exam, a class…really at anything…you will feel horrible. You will feel you have ruined your entire life. 

I call nonsense on that. 

We all have a path to follow and we’re not completely in control of that path. Make the best of any situation. Learn from your failures - often they lead to your greatest understandings.

Some teachers will inspire you. They will ignite your imagination for life. They will lift you up and encourage you to follow your dreams, whether it be through poetry, drama, science, literature, sports, music or any of a score of other disciplines.

Ahhhh, high school.

High school is a scary, fantastic place. It is a place where you will find your crowd. You will fit in and make new friends. It is a place where everything is magnified - where the most momentous things of the day will, in time, fade into triviality. It is a time and place to find yourself, to try on new versions of yourself and feel which one authentically reflects the real you.

Ahhh, high school. Every adult wishes they could go back, then instantly revises that wish to choose only the fun, funny and fantastic moments of that fabulous four-year journey.

 “It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done”

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Seventeen times…

“Today we are going to continue our work on the Pythagorean Theorem. Please pull out the packet we started yesterday.”

“Great, we left off at the top of page three. Please turn to that page in your packet.”

“Barbara, do you have your packet? Please take it out of your bag. Willy, you too, please take out your packet. Dominick, please find your Pythagorean Theorem packet.”

“At this point, you should have the packet we started yesterday open to the top of page three.”

“Billy, you lost your packet? I have extras here.”

“Lori, thank you for taking your math folder out of your bag, please turn to page three in the Pythagorean Theorem papers.”

“Is there anyone who does not have the Pythagorean Theorem packet in front of them?”


“No, Dominick, I don’t know where your packet is. Perhaps you left it in the, “I can’t trust myself drawer? Here, take a new one.”

“I’m sorry Donald, that’s the packet from two weeks ago. Here’s a copy of yesterday’s Pythagorean Theorem packet.”

“Good, let’s get started.”

“By raising hands, can someone answer question num……Edgar, that’s your science packet. We’re not doing science now...this is your math class. Do you need a copy of the Pythagorean Theorem packet?”

“No, Dominick, I still don’t know where your packet is. No, I don’t think anyone stole your Pythagorean Theorem packet out of the drawer. Here’s a new copy.”

“Is there anyone else who does not have the Pythagorean packet in front of them? Please raise your hand if you need a copy.”


“Great, by raising hands, can someone please give me the answer to question number one on the top of page three?”

“Yes,Tommy, thanks for raising your hand. Go ahead…”

“No, Tommy, this would not be a good time to go to the restroom. Can you answer the question at the top of page three?”  <pause> “Dominick, can you help Tommy with the answer to question number one?”

“Dominick, what do you mean you don’t have the packet? I just handed you one twelve seconds ago...”

“Okay, that’s all we have for today. Hang on to these packets and we’ll pick up on the top of page three tomorrow. Go to lunch or recess.”
