“Today we are going to continue our work on the Pythagorean Theorem. Please pull out the packet we started yesterday.”
“Great, we left off at the top of page three. Please turn to that page in your packet.”
“Barbara, do you have your packet? Please take it out of your bag. Willy, you too, please take out your packet. Dominick, please find your Pythagorean Theorem packet.”
“At this point, you should have the packet we started yesterday open to the top of page three.”
“Billy, you lost your packet? I have extras here.”
“Lori, thank you for taking your math folder out of your bag, please turn to page three in the Pythagorean Theorem papers.”
“Is there anyone who does not have the Pythagorean Theorem packet in front of them?”
“No, Dominick, I don’t know where your packet is. Perhaps you left it in the, “I can’t trust myself drawer? Here, take a new one.”
“I’m sorry Donald, that’s the packet from two weeks ago. Here’s a copy of yesterday’s Pythagorean Theorem packet.”
“Good, let’s get started.”
“By raising hands, can someone answer question num……Edgar, that’s your science packet. We’re not doing science now...this is your math class. Do you need a copy of the Pythagorean Theorem packet?”

“No, Dominick, I still don’t know where your packet is. No, I don’t think anyone stole your Pythagorean Theorem packet out of the drawer. Here’s a new copy.”
“Is there anyone else who does not have the Pythagorean packet in front of them? Please raise your hand if you need a copy.”
“Great, by raising hands, can someone please give me the answer to question number one on the top of page three?”
“Yes,Tommy, thanks for raising your hand. Go ahead…”
“No, Tommy, this would not be a good time to go to the restroom. Can you answer the question at the top of page three?” <pause> “Dominick, can you help Tommy with the answer to question number one?”
“Dominick, what do you mean you don’t have the packet? I just handed you one twelve seconds ago...”
“Okay, that’s all we have for today. Hang on to these packets and we’ll pick up on the top of page three tomorrow. Go to lunch or recess.”
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