You do know your teachers are rooting for you, right?
It's true.
We root for you every day. We are pulling for you in so many ways.
We’re excited when you show us how much you’ve learned.
That’s why your teachers work with you before classes, during lunch/recess, and after school. That’s why we answer emails at 10pm on a Sunday night. It’s why we spend hours of our own time trying to create really interesting lessons that you’ll actually enjoy. That’s why we are thinking of you even when we’re not at school.

I hope every student gets a perfect score on every assessment I give. It doesn't happen often, but I'm always pulling for my students to do that well.
I know sometimes it may not seem like it. We push you and challenge you. We give you honest feedback that sometimes is not so much fun to hear, but, trust me, we're on your side.
We're rooting for you all the way.
Wow, I never truly thought about how much time teachers took out of their time to help ours. I say this because I always hear teachers complain they have so much correcting to do and I understand. But we as students don't usually think this because it's work we don't want to do this it wont help but it will we just don't see it yet. With this I see much more to teachers than I did before and now I am so much more appreciative towards the amount of time you guys take out of your personal lives to help ours, so thank you. Also I can really tell you guys try because you posted this at 4:04 a.m.