Sunday, October 27, 2019


I am a licensed middle school math and science teacher, but I'm only teaching science now. Some of you may not know, I have taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math in the past. 

When I was in middle school, I was an average math student. My grades were usually in the B range. In high school, I continued as a B student except for Geometry. I loved Geometry - I earned 100 on all the tests and usually got the bonus right, so my average for the year was 107 or something ridiculous like that.

When I got to college, things changed. I struggled with Calculus (Thank you Sir Issac Newton). In my first Calc class, I got a 13 on the first major exam. I was lost. My professor was not helpful but 99% of the blame falls on my shoulders. 

I was afraid. 

I was afraid of failure - but I was failing in a big way. 

I was afraid to ask for help. I was all mixed up.

Instead of taking steps to un-mix myself, I hid. I avoided the problem. I wished it would just suddenly make sense. Of course, I was doing nothing to make it all make sense. I just tried not to think about it. 

Guess what? 

It did not get better. It did not “suddenly make sense.” I failed. I still have nightmares about that struggle and it was a loooong time ago. 

But, I learned from my disastrous experience. 

I took the class again, this time with another professor. I asked for help as soon as I started feeling lost and confused. I went for extra help. I asked questions. 

This time, I earned a solid B. It was hard, but it was not something I could not do. I just needed to take action. I needed to face my problems and solve them, often with help from friends, the professor and his teaching assistant. 

It’s hard to face failure. It’s hard to admit that you don’t understand. It’s hard to ask for help.

We all fail. We all have things we don’t understand. We all need help sometimes. 

We just need to be brave enough to ask for help. We need to take action and not hope it gets better. 

Ask the questions. Admit you don't know it all, yet. Raise your hand. 

Be brave and you will be sucessful. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Day I Broke My Finger

Look at the picture of my right hand. Do you notice that one of the fingers has a bend in it?
Yeah, that’s the finger I broke. It didn’t heal quite correctly, so it’s got a bit of a bend towards the index finger and thumb.

Actually, I’ve been pretty lucky with respect to broken bones. I’ve broken that finger and a toe (same toe - twice).

The finger break happened when I was in college. I was working for an electrician. I’m NOT an electrician, I was kinda “the kid” on the job site. As in, have the kid climb into the 125 degree attic, or have the kid crawl under the house and look for that wire. 

It was not glamorous work but I enjoyed it. I liked the camaraderie with the guys I worked with (There were no female employees in the company and I can not recall any woman construction workers on any job site). I learned a lot - skills that have helped me as a homeowner. It was great and I earned a gaudy $3.00 an hour! (Of course the minimum wage in those days was $2.05 an hour)

I broke my finger using what’s called an impact-drill. It’s a drill that spins and hammers at the same time. It’s used to drill holes in concrete. That’s what I was doing: drilling a hole in a concrete ceiling so we could run some wires. Unfortunately, the bit (That’s the pointy end of the drill that actually does the drilling) got hung up on a piece of steel wire inside the concrete and spun the drill uncontrollably in my hands, taking my right hand on an alarming ride.

It hurt!

Since it was lunch time anyway, I stopped working, had lunch and worked the rest of the day. My whole hand hurt and my finger was swelling so much I could not put my work-gloves on.

That night I went to a walk-in medical center and they put a splint on my finger and told me not to use the hand for anything strenuous for a week or so. 

I did not listen. I went to work the next day with the splint on and continued working - but no more drilling!

I didn’t take good care of my finger and I guess that’s why it’s got that bend in it. 

I guess I should have listened…

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Beware The Gravity Vortex

There is something weird going on in my room. And, no, I’m not talking about the 8th grade. People keep falling off chairs and stools. 

My first thought was “Oh, the new black, wooden stools are a bit slippery” but it has happened to kids sitting on the old stools - and they are not slippery -  and to people sitting in the blue chairs as well. 

I know these kids are not leaning back in their chairs, lifting the chair/stool feet off the ground. I mean, that would just be asking for trouble, right? The lab stools have four legs and four feet and to attempt to balance on just one or two, is just tempting fate, right?

If someone was leaning back on a lab stool and suddenly toppled over and landed in a heap on the floor, no one would say “I didn’t see that coming,” because, well, you do see it coming. It’s inevitable. So, i’m convinced that’s not what’s causing my students to crash to the floor. 

And, that wouldn’t explain how they’re falling out of the blue chairs. Those chairs have two long runners to support them, Those runners are about a foot and a half long and have four little feet on them. They’re pretty sturdy. You really have to work to tip one of those over. The idea of leaning back in one of those seems like more work than it could possibly be

No, it’s not my young scholars leaning back in the chairs that’s bringing them smashing into the hard, tile floor. It’s not the slipperiness of the new wooden stools. It has to be something else….

The only thing I can think of is a gravity vortex. 

I picture it like a tornado - but invisible and with gravity and not wind. These gravity vortexes must be all over the school, because I have seen kids falling out of chairs in other classrooms as well. 

Maybe, to keep you kids safe, we should install seatbelts on all the chairs/stools in the school. I’m not sure how to get this done, but I’ll speak to the administration to see how we can make this happen.

Until then, be careful. Watch out for the gravity vortex!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Joy of Audiobooks

I enjoy reading. I always have. 

One of my most distinct memories of middle school is walking home (I was a walker because I lived less than a mile from school (but, truthfully, it was about 12 feet less than a mile)) after school while reading “Reach for the Sky.” This is one of my favorite books and I’ve read it several times. It’s about a World War II fighter pilot who had lost his legs in a plane crash. I literally could not put
it down.

Each year, I set a goal for myself to read 20 books and I always exceed that number. As I write this, at the end of July, I am on book number 21 for 2019, so I’ve exceeded my goal again. (Maybe I need to set higher goals).

Recently, I have found reading in the evenings very difficult. I get tired after a few pages so it’s hard to get through a 300 page book, 5 pages a night. But, I listen to books - mostly in the car. 

Listening is easier than reading, and I spend a lot of time in the car. I get through a lot of books by listening. I don’t retain the information as well as actually reading it, so sometimes I’ll re-listen to a book or a chapter if I really want to “get it.”

Some of our science textbooks are available as audiobooks too, if you’re interested in listening rather than reading, see me. We can figure out how to get the audio version of the textbook on your phone.