We have reached the end of the first quarter. We’re 25% done with the 2022-23 school year. From my perspective it went by fast!

In my science class, during the first quarter, I did not penalize students who missed assignments. I essentially rewarded you for engaging in the work without punishing you for missing things. Engaging in the work is a pretty basic expectation and I think the 7th and 8th grades have done a good job with that.
Now, the expectation is that you will engage in the work, and do a good job. I will be doing more grading on the quality of the work, not just did you try or not. So, if you miss a day of school or do not finish something in class, you will need to catch up. Take it home to finish or do it after school in the homework club.
Zeros will kill your grade so you must do everything in your power to avoid them.
Buckle up, the second quarter has started. It’s gonna go fast and you need to do your best on each assignment.