Well, here I am again, back in room 23 - the Science Lab.
This marks the 8th year I’ve taught at Bartlett Community Partnership School. I taught in this room for my first five years, then, for reasons I still fail to comprehend, the administration moved me to room 22, around the corner. After two years, I’m back.
This is my 11th year writing this blog. If you scroll down far enough, you will discover I was writing this at two other schools I taught at before coming to the Bartlett.
I write this blog for and to you, my students.
This is my forum to write about my life as a teacher, a student and a person. Sometimes, I write to amuse. Sometimes, I write to inform. And, sometimes, I write to help my students put things into perspective.
I usually post to this blog on Sunday mornings - and no, not at 3:15 a.m. (the posting time is listed as Pacific Standard Time). I will post a link on google classroom, so you’ll get an email notification when there’s something new to read.
I hope you will find them interesting but you’ll all be the judge of that. Please read, share, comment, and talk to me about what I write.
Post script: I’ll give a prize to the first person who can name the movie that is referenced (but not quoted) in the title of this post.