Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Well, That Was Unexpected…

The week before February break I was not feeling well. At the urging of my wife, I saw my doctor who directed me to go to the Emergency Room at the hospital. The docs at the ER decided to admit me to the hospital, where I spent 7 days. 

That was a long week of blood draws, testing, blood draws, testing, sitting around doing nothing, blood draws and more testing On the plus side, I was a able to watch a lot of the movies nominated for Academy Awards.

The end result of all this was a diagnosis. I have liver cancer.

I am too weak to work - walking up a flight of stairs leaves me panting for breath like I just ran a mile. 

My cancer is treatable and I expect I will be going to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston for that treatment in the coming weeks. Dana Farber is a world-class facility and they did a wonderful job when my son, David, had cancer. 

I don’t know what happens after that. 

In all likelihood, I will not be back to teach this year and I’m really sorry about that. I really enjoy working with you all and helping you learn science.

One point my 8th graders might appreciate: When they biopsied (took a small sample) of my liver they sent some of it out for genetic testing. The hope here is that my cancer has some mutation that the doctors can use against it.  

You have my email so feel free to say hello, but I will not be able to help you find your science notebook.