I was walking down the hall and a student turned suddenly and her enormous backpack swung around and knocked into my side, sending me reeling toward another student. I thought I was going to accidentally hip-check the other student into a computer cart but I was able to regain my balance at the last moment.
“What the heck is in that bag?” I wondered as I walked away rubbing my side.
I started noticing how huge so many of the backpacks are that I see every day. I see 75-pound students lugging around 50-pound bags.
Is this part of some physical fitness program that I’m not aware of? Are our scholars prepping for the Olympic weightlifting trials?

maybe all the stuff that's in our bag is your homework? less homework lighter bags!
ReplyDeleteWell all the stuff we have in our bag (Books ,Binders, Folders Full of paper etc) Totals to a great amount of weight. My bag only has a few things in it and it is still really heavy because of all the homework and other stuff that is in our bags.
ReplyDeleteBTW I am : TD
DeleteList of what's in the bags:
ReplyDelete1) Loose papers.
2) Extra school supplies.
3) Notebooks and binders.
5) Lunches
6) Books
7) Folders
8) Homework. Lots and Lots of homework.
9) Shoes, coats, hats.
10) Papers.
And all sorts of other things. My backpack feels like a brick, one sec, it's right next to me, let's look inside...
Just my empty lunchbox, homework folder, and all sorts of papers.
*Cough* Give us less homework. *Cough.*
But not everyone has that much stuff in their bag, sometimes it just some Papers, a binder or two, a couple books, and a folder. Maybe if we had a day in X-block to just organize our bags we wouldn't have lose papers, or lots of homework, besides, the homework we are given is light by comparison to the textbooks we will be carrying in high school, also, Why would you be carrying Shoes coats or hats in your back pack? we have crew spaces Specifically for that! so I must say that your comment is Invalid.
I don't think our crew spaces help us very much with the backpack problem because in your crew space things are often knocked to the floor and not picked up by whoever did it. In addition, there is not enough time to come back to our crew rooms after most classes since getting through the hallway is almost impossible at times, and our schedule has no time built in for transitions.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, there is not really that much stuff in my backpack:
1) Lord of the Flies
2) Binders
3) Folders
4) Notebooks
5) Clipboard
6) Dictionary
7) Index Cards
8) Pencil Case
9) Lunch
In summary, our backpacks are not that heavy.
-RM, McKellar Crew
I think about 75% of students have all their stuff (binders for math/ science or ela/ ss binders. homework folders, Books, Pencil boxes, lunch boxes, and extra things kids bring to school.) in their bag at one time, mostly because you either don't have to worry about forgetting something for class, or just you might forget something in our (tiny) crew spaces after school. And I also believe this happens because every single student is trying to get to their class at the exact same time as every one else, so there isn't a lot of space to move around so people do get hurt. If there had to be a compromise it should be that classes would get out 3 minutes apart. for example, B block just ended and everyone needs to get to either math or ela. Ms. Connely and Mr. Anderson let out their kids 3 minutes early so they can get into line, Ms. sidell/ Davis/ Creel / Mckellar will let their kids out and everyone in line for Ela will go right in and no problem. Now if that works (which it might not) Maybe this issue will stop?