My last observation was Monday, so it’s been four days since then. We've had a big development with one of the min-habitats.
- Mini-habitat #1 A group of milkweed bugs was still clustered around the air holes near the top. I do not know if this is about air, or maybe sunlight because that part of the bag gets more light, or something else. (See photo)
- Mini-habitat #2 There are three distinct groups of bugs in various places in the habitat. I wonder if this clustering is a behavior typical of milkweed bugs. (See photo)
- Mini-habitat #4 There is a large group of bugs clustered together near the air holes. I do not know what the behavior is about. Are they getting enough air? (See photo)
- Mini-habitat #5 The largest of these bugs are much smaller than the ones in the Extras habitat. I see some clutches in the cotton. (See picture)
- Mini-habitat #7 The last adult died this week. This is the last observation of this habitat. This pair never had offspring. I do not know why.
- Mini-habitat - Extras - Some of these bugs are nearly full sized. I can’t tell the adults we started with from their largest offspring. (See picture)
My wife peeked in while I was doing these observations. She was grossed out by all the bugs hanging in bags on the back of my office door.
I will make more observations on Tuesday of next week…watch your email for a notification of when I post. Secret code word: Goodbye Seven.
Stay safe!
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Remind: text @497h7k to 81010
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