If you’re not in my homeroom, you may have wondered about the list of songs and artists written on the whiteboard behind Teddy Bonesevelt. We do this thing called “Song of the Day.” I select five songs that have something in common - a theme. I play one song per day and the kids in my homeroom guess what the theme is - what the songs or artists all have in common.
Some recent themes were:
- Songs by artists known primarily by one name - Cher, Adele, Rhianna & Elvis,
- Songs by artists from Massachusetts - Aerosmith, James Taylor, etc.
I have a good time coming up with the themes and songs and, yes, they kinda reflect my taste in music. If you were to stick your head in Ms. Macinnis’ room, you would notice she plays music
during homeroom. It’s nice, soft, jazzy music. I assume that’s what she likes. In my room you are going to hear a hard driving beat and screaming guitars. I just love me some screaming guitars!I am open to suggestions for a theme and only have few guidelines.
- There must be five songs,
- It has to be school appropriate,
- There must be a theme - something that links all five of the songs together,
- It can’t be obvious - You have to keep people wondering until day four or five.
If you have a suggestion for a theme, even if you need help coming up with the actual songs, let me know. Let’s all have fun with the music!
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