Sunday, December 1, 2019

When Am I Ever Going to Use This?

“When am I ever going to use this?” You should be hearing that in that unique tonal quality in which whining teenagers excel.

I hear that often enough and I’m sure your other teachers do as well. 

Just so you know, education is not just about teaching you things you’ll rush right out and use tomorro, it’s also about you learning how to learn, how to think critically, how to solve problems. 

For science, it’s about having a fundamental understanding of how the Universe works.

And math, well, maybe you won’t go buy 120 grapefruit all at one time, but you will use much of your math in your future. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know many of you hate fractions, but you WILL use these again.

I’m renovating my kitchen and look what I found behind the microwave. 

Look at what this worker did - they measured, divided by two, then subtracted 15. I think they were trying to center the microwave in the wall, by measuring from one wall to the edge of the microwave. 

I particularly love the way they divided the fraction - they just doubled the denominator, thus cutting the fraction in half. (Note: When do you think a school-aged Mr. McKellar would have predicted he’d need to know the name of the bottom number in a fraction?)

Maybe you’ll never do construction, but you might want to hang a picture on the wall, or craft a halloween costume, or double a recipe or any of a million other things.

Education is not wasted, it changes who you are, even if you never use a particular bit of information for a practical purpose, it helps make you a better version of yourself.