Monday, September 15, 2014

My Dilemma

I finished reading, or I should say listening to, The Omnivore's Dilemma last week. Just as the author suggested in the opening pages, I feel torn over what to eat. 

It sounds so simple: “What’s for dinner?” But, as I learned, it’s kind of a loaded question. It’s hard to make an informed decision when you don’t really have an understanding of what we’re eating, where it comes from and what other options might exist.

A lot of the book is about corn; how it’s grown, sold, processed, subsidized and eaten. And, just as importantly, who and/or what is eating all this corn and why.


I had no idea.

So, after reading the book I now have a strong desire to make more healthy choices. To eat cleaner foods that are less processed and more natural and avoid high-fructose corn syrup and a host of other food additives. 

Theoretically, I’d like to eat grass-fed beef. I say theoretically because I suspect grass-fed beef is going to be a lot harder to find and much more expensive to eat on a regular basis than corn-fed beef.  I wonder if I could taste the difference. I might have to do a comparison. 

This all sounds good so far but here’s the problem: I don’t want to give up my unhealthy choices.

I don’t want to live in a world without sweet and sour pork, Reese’s Pieces, Big Macs, and Cap’n Crunch. 

The author was right - it is a dilemma. 

I’m going to need some time to think about this problem. To consider all my choices and the trade-offs inherent in choosing this or that to eat. To think about what I want and need. To think about my role in the vast industrial food complex. Do I want to support an industry that treats animals so inhumanly? Do I really want to eat food that’s been processed to within an inch of its life? Can I find better food to eat? And if I can find it, can I afford to buy it?

It’s a lot to think about. In the meantime, please pass the Fritos.

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