Sunday, December 14, 2014

Really Moving To Our New School Building

This Friday marks the last day for us at Clinton Street. I know you’ve heard things like this before, but this time it’s really, really happening.

Some of you, who’ve been at Clinton for 2+ years and teachers who’ve taught at this location for many years, are going to miss this well-worn, old building. To be sure, it has a unique collection of creaks, groans, pops and hums. There are the drafty windows, the crowded, noisy halls and the two facilities on opposite sides of the street that make our school at Clinton Street one of a kind. 

I don’t think I’ll be missing those things myself, but perhaps some of you will.

Of course, McAuliffe Charter School is much more than the building we are housed in. McAuliffe is an intricate blend of different people, each adding his or her own contribution to the symphony that is our school. 

But, change happens and when we begin the new year, we’ll be in our new building.

What will you miss?

What should we do in our new location to make it a “home” for us? 

This is an opportunity to reboot the school year and make changes to your lifestyle as a student. Do you have changes you’d like to make?


  1. I will miss the way teachers would complain about crossing the streets and the need of air conditioning in each room. Being in a brick building, just being close together made such a big impact on us. I will miss all of the small lectures we would have on "middle school drama", the amount of fun projects that we did as a community, and GEOCACHING! Brett always took us geocaching in 7th grade , but now he has to change the location of everything and now it would be very hard for him. I am going to miss field day, i will miss every single thing that tied us all together and make us a family.

  2. you mentioned that each person adds his/her piece to the symphony however i would like to point out that the correct term for this kind of "symphony" is heavy metal
    -Lookas LMC

  3. It will be awesome to be in a brand new building, but I will miss some things: I will miss the crowded hallways and the frantic running across the street, which caused a lot of laughter. I will miss being in the same place where we did the entrance tunnel at the beginning of sixth grade and I can still remember getting lost on the way to design on the first day. In seventh grade, I remember dropping eggs out of the window in science, and also doing the geocaching like Harman said. (I will NOT miss the leaky pipes in room 101 though.) Lastly, though, I will miss the "Rebecca tree," the tree by the crosswalk on the recess field, where I have sat too many times to count. -RM, McKellar Crew
