Sunday, April 28, 2019

Would I Go Back to Middle School?

My wife and I were talking the other day and an interesting topic came up.

This discussion came out of a headline I saw that suggested doing 15 minutes of yoga would make my 50+ year old brain “like a 25-year-old’s brain.”

For me, I prefer my well-used, experienced brain over the one I was operating in the 1980’s. Today, I am a more patient, less emotional version of myself than I was oh, so long ago. However, I would take back my 25-year old body for sure. Trust, me, there was much more hair and less, ummm, let’s just say; much less middle section, than I have now. 

But, after talking about the yoga thing, my wife asked me the acid question; “If you could, would you go back and do middle school over again?”

I thought about it for a while and then came up with an answer.

Yes, and no. 

I would go back and do it all over again, if I could take my 59-year-old brain. Mind you, not the part that causes me to walk into the kitchen and wonder why I am there, but the part that can make good decisions based on fact, experience and how things might affect others. (Brains are funny things, I can remember the look, feel and smell my my Dad’s lawn mower from 1968, but can’t recall where I put my keys 11 minutes ago.)

Right off the bat, I can see huge value in having my current brain in 7th and 8th grade. I’d be less influenced by emotion, I would know for a rock-solid-fact that I’m not invincible, and I could more easily tune out the middle school drama and angst. And, of course I’d ace all my classes - especially science.

Of course, I’d also feel like the oldest student in the school and would probably want to hang out with the teachers and hurt myself doing exaggerated eye-rolls at the antics of my peers.

Thankfully, I do not have the choice to stay or go. So, I’ll have to make the most of where I am.

Now, where did I put those papers I brought home to grade?

1 comment:

  1. would you want to go back as a baby and restart all over again? or do you like how your life is right now and all of the things you done.
