Monday, September 6, 2021

Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!

Well, let’s hope this year is less weird than last year was - it kinda has to be. 

After a very difficult year, I’m hopeful we can have a fantastic, productive and fun year doing science tougher. 

Here are some positive developments to build on:

  • We’re back in school together,
  • Many of us have vaccinated against Covid-19,
  • We all have chrome books or computers to do our work on,
  • We have a bright, sunny new room (with an air conditioner!) to work in.

I write this blog for you and I try to post each week - usually on Sundays.

This is where I write about school, teaching, you folks and lots of other related subject. I encourage you to read my posts. Sometimes they’’ll be funny, sometimes serious and sometimes in between.  Sometimes, I will assign you a blog post to read. 

Let's work together to make this the best year ever for you. We’ll focus on all the great things and try to minimize the not-so-great things.