Sunday, February 13, 2022

The Book Wall

 As you probably know, I enjoy reading. I read all kinds of books, both fiction and non-fiction. Naturally, I read a lot about science, but if you look over the books I’ve posted near the door of room 22, you’ll see a wide range of topics - science, music, memoir, history and historic fiction.

I’ve been on a little bit of a reading roll lately.  The posted books are the ones I’ve read or listened to since Christmas. It helps to read really good books - they go faster and you really, really want to turn to the next page and keep going. Believe me, I’ve slogged through my share of books that were not very good and each page was an accomplishment. 

Even if I find a book is not very good, I’ll often finish it anyway - for two reasons: It may turn out to be worth my time and energy anyway, and, because I don’t like to give up (but I do sometimes).

I think I started reading a lot in middle school. I remember spending a lot of time in the library. I have a really distinct memory of walking home from school reading Reach for the Sky: The Legless Ace of World War 2 by Paul Brickhill. I was so captivated by it, it’s a wonder I didn’t wander into traffic. (It’s also on that very short list of books I have read more than once.)

I promise you can find something to read, or listen to if you hunt a little. There have been about 150,000,000 books published, soooo I’m pretty sure you can find something on literally any topic you might enjoy. 

Pick up a book - it can take you to the other side of the universe, far into the future, back into the past, introduce you to amazing people, and take you to magical places right here and now. 

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