Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Price of Youth and Inexperience

 “Oh to be young again 

Oh to be free again 

To be setting out 

To have the whole of the road before one 

To know it an adventure 

One cannot know the end of -"

Youth is a wonderful thing…but not a perfect thing.

I remember the days when I had hair, when everything did not ache, when I could bend over to pick something up with out my back and knees making horrifying cracking sounds. 

I also remember making mistakes because I could not clearly see the future that was right in front of my eyes.

That’s where being, lets just say "experienced," is a huge advantage. I can clearly see what’s coming next based on what I do today. Maybe this is because I’ve already made so many mistakes at least once or maybe it’s just what happens when you get older, err more experienced. But this is one area where your youth betrays you. 

Progress reports come out October 9th. I’ve mentioned this in each of my classes hoping that the knowledge of the impending report home to your parents and guardians will motivate some of my students. 

But I know, youth means living for today because the future seems so very far away. Even two weeks can seem like almost forever for middle school students. 

Trust me on this - two weeks will go bye in a blink. You’ll be getting your progress report and it will feel like school just started. 

If you’re working hard and doing your work, it will probably be a report filled with good news. If you have been spending your time chatting with friends, and not doing your work, well….I think you know what that progress report will look like.

There is still time to avoid that awkward conversation at home about why your ELA , math or science grade “Needs Improvement,” or worse. Check your grade on Google Classroom, talk to your teachers, get late work in….there is still time to avoid disaster…if you can see that far into the future.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

While My Guitar Gently Weeps

If you are new to my homeroom, there’s something you gotta know: I play music. A lot of music. Walk past my room during my prep period and you’ll hear me playing music. Sometimes I play it so loud, my neighboring teachers have to send a kid over to ask me to turn it down - sorry!

In the early morning, before you guys show up, everyone knows I’m in the building because I’m BLASTING my music. The best part of room 23 is the sound system and I make use of it - trust me. For me, music makes school a more joyful place. 

In my homeroom, we do a thing called Song of the Day. 

Every day, I play a song. Over the course of the week my homeroom students have to figure out how all five songs are related. There is a theme to my selections. 

Some recent themes were: 

    • Songs by artists known primarily by one name - Cher, Adele, Rhianna & Elvis,
    • Songs by artists from Massachusetts - Aerosmith, James Taylor, etc.
    • Songs about vehicles - cars, boats, planes, etc.
    • Songs in Spanish - this was suggested by a student and she came up with great songs!

I have a good time coming up with the themes and songs and, yes, they do reflect my taste in music. If you were to stick your head in Ms. Macinnis’ room, you would notice she also plays music during homeroom. It’s nice, soft, jazzy music. I assume that’s what she likes. In my room you are going to hear a hard driving beat and screaming guitars. I just love me some screaming guitars!

I am open to suggestions for a theme and only have few guidelines. 

    • There must be five songs,
    • It has to be school appropriate,
    • There must be a theme - something that links all five of the songs together,
    • It can’t be obvious - You have to keep people guessing until day four or five.

If you have a suggestion for a theme, even if you need help coming up with the actual songs, let me know. Let’s all have fun with the music!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not at the old Bartlett anymore

This year marks my 12th year as a teacher and the 9th year I have been at the Bartlett. 

I taught in room 23 for my first five years, then, for reasons I still fail to comprehend, the administration moved me to room 22, around the corner for two years.

This is also my 12th year writing this blog. If you scroll down far enough, you will discover I was writing this at two other schools I taught at before coming to the Bartlett. One of those schools was also in Lowell. 

I write this blog for and to you, my students. 

This is my forum to write about my life as a teacher, a student and a person. Sometimes, I write to amuse. Sometimes, I write to inform. And, sometimes, I write to help my students put things into perspective. Sometimes, when I’m really on my game and the words flow, I think I can inspire some kids a little, too.

I will try to post something each week - but, honestly, when things get busy, sometimes I run out of time and miss a week here and there. I will post a link on google classroom, so you’ll get an email notification when there’s something new to read.

I hope you will find them interesting but you’ll all be the judge of that. Please read, share, comment, and talk to me about what I write.  

Post script: I’ll give you a prize if you can name the movie that is referenced (but not quoted) in the title of this post.