Monday, March 2, 2015

Pluto-The-Planet Got Fired

In 2006, members of the International Astronomical Union voted on and approved a new definition of what constitutes a planet. The result was, Pluto got fired from being a planet. It’s now considered a dwarf-planet.

Lets get one thing on the recored right now, just in case there’s any misunderstanding. Pluto did not change. It’s still out there, orbiting the sun, cold as hell (Now, that’s an odd expression, isn't it?). All the IAU did was change the classification, not the planet/dwarf planet itself.

I’m just guessing, but I don’t think the IAU members expected such a wail of lament over the change in status for Pluto. I think it took them by surprise. I don’t think they appreciated or understood why so many people have such strong, emotional bonds to a rocky, icy world that’s so far away from Earth, that no one has ever even taken a good picture of it.

The picture thing is gong to change. We’re going to get fabulous pictures this summer when the New Horizons space probe zooms past Pluto. New Horizons was launched in January 2006 - just a few months before Pluto’s reclassification. This July, the spacecraft will pass about 6,300 miles from the dwarf planet and should provide outstanding images of both Pluto and it’s largest moon (of five), Charon.

But, back to the fuss, I think I’ve figured out why people reacted the way they did.

It’s this guy’s fault. 

Pluto the Disney dog. 

Who doesn’t love Pluto the dog? Don’t we all know someone who’s a lot like Pluto? Some playful, cheerful, goofy (No wait, wrong word that’s a totally different dog) happy-go-lucky aunt or uncle?

Let me ask you a question: What if Pluto looked like this? 

The evil queen from Snow White.

What if her name had been Evil Queen Pluto? 

Would people have been so unhappy about Pluto’s reclassification?

I doubt it. 

In that scenario, I’m thinking people would have supported kicking Pluto right out of the whole solar system.

And that’s what the IAU folks didn’t anticipate - say the word Pluto to most people and they think of the lovable cartoon dog. They like and love Pluto-the-dog and they associate those feelings when thinking about poor Pluto-the-planet getting fired. 

I don't necessarily think the IAU was wrong for reclassifying Pluto, I just think the astronomers should have watched more cartoons.


  1. Silly Pluto, stop orbiting around the sun,you re not a planet anymore!

  2. Serious question: if we can't take photos of Pluto, how do we know about, say 'the violent deaths of stars,' which are much further away? Kavya, can you answer? -RM
