Sunday, May 17, 2015

I Owe A Lot Of Thank Yous To A Lot Of People.

I said I’d never do it again, but I did. I went back to school for my masters in education. 

I went one night per week for two years. That one night was a very long night - 4:30 to 9:15 and I tried to arrive by 4pm. It made teaching the next day seem super-long because I started the day tired. Couple that with my stupidly long commute and I was a zombie by bedtime.

It was a ton of work and the work got absolutely ridiculous at the end. I’m just trying to catch my breath as I catch up on all the things I deferred while I was finishing my program. Little things like grading student work, home maintenance, spending quality time with my uber-supportive wife.

I owe a lot of thank yous to a lot of people. Thanks to my friends and my kids for being so supportive. I appreciate all the encouragement.

Thank you to the men and women in my cohort at AIC. We were a good group and I hope we stay in touch. I learned as much from you as I did our professors (and in some cases a LOT more).

Thank you to the students who helped me - Nasia and Andrew and Carlos.

I am thankful to the people at the Christa McAullife Charter School and The Hellenic American Academy who were supportive of my efforts. They let me leave early to attend class, and use my students as guinea pigs. I have a special thank you to Mr. Crowley for taking my crew every Tuesday afternoon.

Most importantly, I owe a debt of gratitude to my wife who put up with my stressed-out face, early bed times and long hours locked in my office doing papers, projects, sample lessons and a seemingly unending list of other homeworkie things.

Thank you all - I could not have done it alone. 

Today is my graduation day. Time to celebrate

Flip the tassel, I’m done!


  1. I am telling Mrs.Ferguson about this

  2. Félicitations !

