Saturday, September 26, 2015

What Was It Like To Go To School 100 Years Ago?

13What was it like to go to school 100 years ago? The people of Oklahoma City have a pretty good idea after discovering chalkboards dating from 1917, hidden behind newer chalkboards.

When contractors removed the newer, and as far as anyone knew, the only chalkboards, they were stunned to discover an older set of chalkboard beneath the newer ones.

Here's the full article with lots of pictures. It is just so cool to see this.

These boards were drawn and written on in 1917, 98 years ago.

Look at the was Thanksgiving. There are drawings of turkeys, pilgrims and the Mayflower. There's music and a poem. There's even a crazy circular way to multiply.

This was a long time ago. Quite accidentally, they left a little of themselves behind. The content doesn't look much different than it might in any modern elementary classroom. Clearly the technology has changed but anyone from 1917 might feel right at home in a modern classroom learning about the Pilgrims.

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