Monday, September 2, 2019

Seven Samurai


This is my blog and I write it for you, my students. I’ve written 230 posts so far. (Blog posts are like short little essays). Good thing I enjoy writing!

I encourage you to read my posts. Sometimes they’’ll be funny, sometimes serious and sometimes in between. 

This is where I write about my life as a teacher and a person. Yes, teachers are people just like you - we’re just older, more experienced and better educated than you. 

My posts are not long so you won’t strain your brain reading them. Many students find them interesting and funny. 

I usually post on Sunday mornings - and no, not at 3:15 a.m. (the posting time is listed as Pacific Standard Time). I will post a link on google classroom, so you’ll get an email notification when there’s something new to read.

Please read.

Feel free to comment.

Talk to me about what I write.

PS - What do you think the title of this post “Seven Samurai” means???


  1. hello teacher who does not know who I am I enjoyed reading the posts such as peanut butter wars it gave me a light chuckle and the one about going back to 7th and 8th grade was very interesting I hope you post more


    A movie

  2. i enjoy reading your work. keep it up!
