Friday, February 5, 2016

Apparently, I Have A Lot To Say

This post is a bit of a landmark for me. This is the 150th post of this blog. Apparently, I have a lot to say. 

I started this blog on a challenge from my teaching partner at my old school, The Hellenic American Academy in Lowell, Mass. We both blogged every day about our lives as teachers. Our audience was and is our students but lots of other people seem to have picked up the habit of reading it. 

Thank you Mrs. Minaker for getting me started on this.

To mark this nice round number, (As a culture, we do seem to really like commemorating numbers that end in 5s and 0s - with 16 and 21 being exceptions), I thought I’d share my favorite posts over the past two years.

With 149 other posts to choose from, it's hard to find just a handful that are my "favorites." 

I enjoy writing. I enjoy expressing myself and I get a huge kick out of people reading what I have written.  I looked over all the posts on my blog, and selected a few that I really enjoyed sharing with my students: 

In Praise of the Boring Stuff

If it’s Monday, the Sixth Grade is Freaking Out

Everything I Needed to Know, I Learned From the Rocky Movies

You Know We Root For You, Right?

Your Brain Might Melt

So, enjoy my favorites and keep reading, I usually post every Saturday morning. Who knows what I'll say next???

1 comment:

  1. Read and enjoyed all of your favorite ones especially the Rocky one and the one about crazy sixth graders. J.D
