Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Remote Learning: Why I Despise it so Much

 A guest post by Patrick 

The Screen

One reason why I don’t like remote learning is because we are on a screen for a total of 7 hours, and not to mention the uncanny brightness! First it's too bright, then it's too dark! At least if we are on our phones or playing video games it's actually FUN.


Another reason why I don't like remote learning is because of Zoom. Zoom is cool and all but it’s WAY laggier and always freezes unless you have the top notch internet. Once, I was locked out of my Zoom classes for a whole week and a half!

Big, Black, Boxes

My third reason why I don’t like remote learning is because NOBODY turns their camera on! All I see is the teacher’s face, and then some big boxes with names in them! (Of course, I don’t either, but only because I got a haircut and nobody else does!)

The Expectations

My fourth reason I don’t like remote learning is because they expect us not to type to our friends in the chat when we have NO OTHER WAY to communicate with them! I can't get their phone numbers, or their discord! And I cant use this laptop after school because its “FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES ONLY.”


My fifth and last reason why I don't like remote learning is because we start school at 7:20 AM! Why so early!? Why not 8:30-2:30? We don't get ANY sleep because we're used to our summer schedule, (stay up till 12 am, sleep till 2 pm.) and we get up at sunrise? What is this a prison!?

Thank you so much for reading this, I appreciate it and please, consider some changes.

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