Sunday, October 25, 2020

You Will Get Knocked Down

You will get knocked down. You will run into adversity. You will make mistakes. You will have setbacks. Things will happen to you that are and are not your fault.

Life is hard. Everyone experiences disappointments, setbacks, problems and failures. 

Everyone takes a hit - sometimes a lot of hits - a bad test grade, problems at home, health issues, money problems, relationship issues, the list is endless. No one has an easy life - everyone has problems. Everyone is dealing with something and you might not even know it to look at them.There’s no getting around it. but, you can deal with it.

When you get knocked down, you don’t have to stay down. You can get up again. You can try again. You can succeed even if you’ve failed before. You need to keep working. You need to keep moving forward.

The people who succeed, who reach their goals, don’t give up. They keep working toward what they want. They may change their strategy or tactics, but they keep working. 

Perseverance. Tenacity. Grit. Determination. Endurance.

These are the words that describe someone who succeeds, someone who doesn’t quit. 

They don’t say things like “I’m just bad at (fill in the blank)” and stop trying. They keep working toward that good grade, toward understanding something new, toward that difficult skill, toward that high school they want to attend, toward all the other things they want out of life. 

You will get smacked around by life, but you have to keep going. 

And here’s some insight from someone who knows…you will become a better person for having dealt with adversity. You will become stronger and more resourceful. You will know what it feels like to struggle and you will also know that there is an end to the struggle, that you can succeed if you just keep working.

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