Monday, May 5, 2014

Up Close and Personal

2013 was a year of highs and lows in the Boston area.

Without a doubt, Marathon Monday was the low point. The city, region, nation, and even the world watched in horror as two bombs exploded near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. More than 250 people were killed or injured.

The Boston Red Sox became a focal point as people sought a sense of community and purpose. As the families of the victims grieved and the survivors coped with a new reality, “Boston Strong” became a rallying cry.

“No one’s gonna dictate our freedom,” David Ortiz defiantly pronounced.

Slowly, together, people started to heal, physically and emotionally. The Red Sox honored the first responders, the rehabilitation workers and, of course, the victims.

Something magical began to happen between the city and the team. It was as though the players were the region’s grief counselors.

The Sox played inspired baseball throughout the season. They clinched the best record in the American League and then dismantled the Tampa Bay Rays, and Detroit Tigers, facing the best pitchers in the league and beating them all.

Next up were the St. Louis Cardinals and they didn’t fair any better. On October 30, 2013 the Boston Red Sox did something they had not done since 1918 - they won a World Series at Fenway Park.

For many, that evening, and the subsequent parade, were the high point of the year.

Bringing their support for the community, and the bombing victims in particular, full circle, players stopped their celebratory parade to place the World Series trophy on the Boston Marathon finish line.

Now, the Hellenic American Academy family will have the opportunity to see the 2013 World Series Trophy up close and personal.

May 23rd, the Boston Red Sox will bring the trophy to the Hellenic. Bring your camera; this is a once-in-a-lifetime event.

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