Sunday, April 5, 2020

Virtual Tour: My Home Office

We're all stuck at home. I suspect we're all getting bored looking at the same four walls. I know I am. The highlight of my day, is often going for a long walk. Sometimes, I go twice a day. We've been home for three weeks and are probably looking at six or more weeks before the social distancing expectations are relaxed. 

My guess is we're not going back to school until the Fall.

I've been posting a lot of virtual tours on google classroom. Today, I'm going to give you a virtual tour of my home office. I left my computer at school, and no one is allowed in the building so I can't retrieve it. As a result, I have to use the desktop computer in my office at home for anything I do on a computer. 

As I sit at my desk (really a table not an actual desk, per se) to my right is the door. On the inside of the door, I have the 7th grade milkweed bug habitats. No need to keep that a secret anymore, my wife knows and is not happy that I brought the bugs home. On the floor are lots of empty 2-liter bottles for 5th grade habitats. I suspect I won't need those for this school year, but I'm hanging on to them so when I can get back into my classroom, I can leave them there. 

As I continue scanning to the right, I have a glass display case. I display two things; models that I have built and "obsolete objects."

When I moved last year, I got rid of most of the models I had built. I save a few, including a series of US battleships that shows the development of these emense ships over time. 

The "obsolete objects" are a collection of things that were once every day items in my life that society no longer uses.  I have a record album, an 8-track and a cassette tape, my video iPod (5th generation from 2005 (and yes, it still works)), my iPod shuffle and about 50 other items, many of which, you would be hard pressed to identify. Remember, I'm old so I've seen a lot of changes in my life.

Next, I have my father's medals and his sword. My dad served in
the Marines and fought in the Korean War. He earned a bronze star at the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea. I would love to bring the sword into school. It has beautiful engraving on the blade. Unfortunately, bringing weapons into school is sorta frowned upon.

I also have some models that are kind of failed attempts. 

In the back left corner, is where I build and paint scale models. I'm working on two right now - a space shuttle to be displayed in my classroom and a WWII British Spitfire aircraft. I enjoy building scale models, but I'm not as good at doing it as I was when I was younger. My eyes and hands are not the same as they used to be but I still enjoy it. 

By the way, the picture of the ship over my modeling area is the wreck of the SS America. Things almost always end badly for ships, and this ship's end was no exception. But it's a fantastic picture of was once was a fantastic ship. I also have an old computer that I just won't get rid of yet.

My desk area is where I spend 80% of my time when I'm in here. I have photographs that are important to me on the walls, knickknacks, my computer and other assorted desk-like items. I have the diploma for my master's degree. (The diploma for my bachelor's degree is stupidly small and unimpressive so I don't display it.)

I know this post has been all about me, but this is where I'm spending a LOT of my time while we're staying home. 

In some ways, this down time has been helpful. I've been able to get things done that I probably would have not been able to do until the summer break. I painted my wife's home office and next week I'll probably paint our bedroom and the guest room.

I am suffering from some motivation issues. I have things to do that I just don't feel like doing. 

I think this week, I'll have to force myself to get my grading done. When we left on March 13th, I stuffed all your ungraded work into my brief case and it's still there - untouched. I know I'll have to do report cards soon, so I will have to tackle that pile of work, but, honestly, I just don't feel like doing it. 

Where are you spending time? 

Are you reading?

How are you making the hours pass?

What are you working on? 

Do you have interesting hobbies?

Did you notice, I didn't post this at the crack of dawn?  I am done doing that. I have no desire to wake people up with a beep or chime on their phone. I keep my phone on silent when I sleep, but I guess not everyone does that, so I'm NOT waking anyone up at 6am any more. 

Sorry if I did that, Devon & Katherine. :(


  1. Hello! Those ships are pretty cool. You must be proud of your dad. I know I am proud of my aunt. She served in the Army for over 10 years. Speaking of my aunt, that is who I am staying with during this self isolation. She has me doing math, reading a cool book about victorian woman and some science books about Animals, Space, etc.. She also has been doing a LOT of virtual tours with me (I sent you the list so you could check out the ones we did besides yours), having me watch movies like Harriet (she was a really incredible lady), and taking me for walks around her neighborhood because we can do that here without seeing ANYONE, because she lives in the middle of NOWHERE lol! Lastly, I am helping her and my grandmother (she is here with us) take care of my disabled cousin, do some chores around the house, and baking (LOTS of baking!). So I have really been keeping busy. Now, I am also doing all of the work assigned by teachers, that I was not aware I was being assigned (Not allowed electronics at my aunt's unless it is SPECIFICALLY for school work). I am almost caught up now though. Well, I guess that is it. See you on the next post!
